Chinch Bugs
Southern chinch bugs prefer open, sunny areas of grass, possibly where temperatures are hotter or the thatch may be thicker. They live in the thatch and suck fluids from the crowns, stems and stolons with their needle-like mouthparts. Infested grass turns yellow, then a burnt-reddish color, and dies. Chinch bugs tend to feed in groups, so dead patches of grass appear and seem to get larger as the insects spread through the grass. Severe damage tends to occur from April through October.
Chinch bugs are usually only a problem if you have St. Augustine grass in your yard. Like most other insects, chinch bugs can grow to become a major problem in the summer months. If your lawn does become infested with these bugs, it is recommended you water your lawn every day so your grass retains its green coloring. Use granule or liquid treatments to kill the bugs and prevent their reproduction and growth throughout your lawn.
For more information on chinch bugs, suggested products, or application instructions, please visit your nearest Pestop location.