Fire Ants Are Scary.
We’ve all heard those stories of a swarm of fire ants taking down a calf or offing a small dog. But are fire ants really a danger to man and beast? The short answer is, “yes.” Fire ants are effective predators. They latch on using strong jaws to secure their prey and...

Ants In Your Pants. And In Your Home.
Why are there ants marching through your home? And what can you do about it? There’s not much more frustrating than seeing that endless line of ants coming from who knows where and going to who knows where. And despite your best efforts to get rid of them, they just...

Um, Honey. Fido has Fleas. And So Do We.
It’s much easier to prevent a flea infestation than to get rid of them. Just ask anyone who’s had one. If you’ve ever had a pet, you’ve probably seen a flea, dead or alive. Fleas survive by feeding on your pet’s blood. They will also feed on your blood in a pinch, and...

Eek…What Was That? It’s a Mouse!!!
Some of us jump onto the couch when we see a mouse in our house. Others remain calm. I personally had one run over my foot one morning as I was feeding the dog, sending kibble flying through the air. Having a mouse in your house is not uncommon. Mice and their other...

The Much-Loved American Cockroach
There is the everyday, household cockroach we all despise. The little guy or gal who lurks in dark places, just waiting for you to turn off the lights so they can take over your kitchen. Then there’s the American cockroach. If you’ve ever been laying on your couch...

Brown Recluse or Black Widow: Which is Your Favorite?
We all love spiders…not. The good news is most spiders in the U.S. are harmless. The bad news is, we’ve got three species that can cause we humans a lot of trouble. The two that most of us are familiar with are the black widow and the brown recluse. The third, the...

Bed Bugs Bed Bugs Bed Bugs
Try saying “bed bugs” three times in a row. It’s kind of hard. You know, we’ve all heard advice and rumors about bed bugs. “Be sure to check your hotel room for bed bugs.” Or “You have to burn down the entire apartment building to get rid of bed bugs, because they’ll...

Get These Pests Out of My Pantry!
There is nothing worse than opening a bag of flour and seeing little dark critters amongst the snowy white drifts. Oh no…you have pests in your pantry. The pests in your pantry can be any number of insects. The coppery-winged Indianmeal moth and the dark brown,...

Our Friend, the Norway Rat
No one wants rats in or around their home. Rats can expose you and your family to serious disease and harmful bacteria through their urine or feces, and often harbor and spread ticks, fleas and mites. Yuck. Some estimates say rats eat 20 to 40 pounds of food a year,...

Termites: Trust Us…You Don’t Want Them
The word “termites” strikes fear into the heart of homeowners. And it should. Some estimates say termites cause approximately $30 billion a year in the United States in damage to crops, homes, and other structures. In Louisiana alone—the state most affected by termite...